Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Toy Keeper

About a year ago I read a article in a Parents magazine about a dictionary of words that only parents would understand. A word that stuck with me and I use it quite frequently now, is Toyphoon.
Toy-ph-oon- a monsoon of toys that takes over a room, floor or entire house.
Now as a parent when I take photos of my kid, I find myself strategically moving the camera or shifting that toy to another home on the floor, so that in the background the toyphoon is hidden. Lets face it every time I think about putting away the toys in their assigned spot, Autumn comes up from behind like a ninja that was hidden in my shadow, grabs the toy, and acts like it is the coolest thing ever. But this toy is never cool until I pick it up. It can lay there for days untouched as just another victim in the toyphoon.

This is one of those unrealistic photos I am talking about. Now I have accepted the toy takeover by introducing a large pink cottage into my living room because lets face it for the next couple of years these toys are not going anywhere. They have become in their own way those plastic relatives that you just can't throw out.
This is a more realistic view of what my living room looks like on a daily basis.
Now not only am I always in a constant battle of picking up toys. I also can never seem to keep all the little pieces together. Why does everything have to have so many parts? From the pink fisher price elephants colorful balls, that Autumn just likes to carry around everywhere, to the little baby Einstein cardboard books, things just get lost in this toyphoon. I find my self every couple of weeks just doing a pick up of toys just to make sure all the pieces are still somewhere within our house.
 So my new attempt to keep track of these toys. Certain ones stay in certain rooms. This does not always work though because I am not the only one that watches Autumn, therefore when she takes that plastic dog figure to the kitchen it may find a permanent home up there for awhile.
Not one room is left unmarked by the Autumn trail of plastic. I could spend every night and every nap she has picking it up and being the perfect mom but life is way too short to be picking up toys all day. Lets face it, I need my mom alone time for my own personal mental health.
That is not a dog turd by her foot yet a plastic Little People Ape who actually has gotten lost in the dining room. He will probably return to the other zoo creatures next week when I yet again put all the Nib toys back with the rest of their plastic friends.  These toys create more mess, however the smiles they produce are priceless.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Food Throw Down

It seems like every mom has some struggle with their child. Whether it be sleep, food, sharing, potty training, sippy cup transitions, ect. there are just those days where we feel like ripping our hair out. Autumn's thing is food. She has been a difficult one to feed since the day she was born. Right now everyone is obsessed with breastfeeding. I get it. It is natural and our bodies each produce different milk that is specific for each individual babies needs. That and it is free. Besides the pumps and storage items. But my kid was not having it. She would not latch. I had the lactation specialist come in and see me. I had a complete breakdown in the hospital one night, which thank god for the night nurse I had she was amazing and so helpful. My kid got so dehydrated in the hospital that she had a fever and lost a full pound because "breastfeeding" is so important that they didn't want her to get used to a bottle. They finally gave us Similac and a pacifier so she wouldn't scream down the hallways when it was time to leave.  If you can't tell I am a little angry about all this. We have formula available for a reason and every kid is different. Some of us don't get the beautiful picture that is displayed of mom's breastfeeding their babies. I hate reading all these pro breastfeeding statements online that portray selfishness on the mom's behalf for not breastfeeding. I won't lie I got seriously depressed over this. I saw the lactation specialist even after we left the hospital. I got depressed over it and went to the doctors for postpartum. Then I found out about my tumor friend and breastfeeding went on the back burner. Due to dyes for scans and drugs for surgery I couldn't breastfeed anyways. I get it if you are pro breastfeeding but put into consideration all those moms out there that try and try and really wanted to experience this and just can't. Everyone that has had a baby knows how hard those first few weeks are emotionally and physically, feeding your baby shouldn't be the most stressful part of it.
Well Autumn didn't just stop there. She hated solids as well. Due to the teething monster that my child is she had 8 teeth already by 6 months. Autumn has bad eczema so the doctors suggested waiting to start solids till she was 6 months because she may have food allergies. 
That red on her cheek and neck is not a reflection that is Autumn's eczema at four months old. Now eczema is a another struggle but I won't go into that. She had so many teeth you couldn't even force her to try food because she had a grill to stop ya. I got so excited about solids too. Since I was unable to breastfeed. I was determined to make up for it by making my own baby food. My husband got me a nice food processor for Christmas and my mom got me little containers perfect for frozen ice cubes to thaw in for daycare.  
My first tray of organic green beans. I was so proud. Let me tell ya my kid would not even open her mouth. The universal signs of no like pushing the spoon away and turning the head to the side was all I saw. The doctors said to keep introducing and she will eventually try it. She was just not ready.
So I did. She wasn't even interested in playing with it? Autumn also never used a pacifier except maybe her first 2 weeks of life. She never stuck anything in her mouth. I could also hold her and eat a plate of food when she was 8 months and she didn't even care. She would just sit there.

Then finally in late May at 8 months old we tried bananas and like it! I ran and got the camera cause this was a big mommy moment for me. By this time I gave up on my own food and should have bought stock in Gerber.

Us as humans love food. I personally love food. Everyone was excited about Autumn trying new foods even when Autumn wasn't. This facial expression she gave Brian was classic but she did end up enjoying the mixed veggies with spinach. We ate baby food past our first birthday. Anything with chunks in it she would tongue out. The little puffs she would throw at the dogs and not even attempt to eat. The yogurt bites.......well I ended up eating those :). The birthday cake. We screamed and wouldn't even attempt to try!
This picture pretty much sums it up how Autumn reacts to food. So I found something my kid absolutely loves, Chef Boyardee. They have whole wheat pasta available now which is a little better but man I feel bad feeding my kid processed food almost everyday. But hey at least she is eating and that is all I can hope for at this point. Her hate for food goes for drinks as well. We finally like apple juice. Me being the baker I am have had a success in pureeing fruits and veggies and hide them in muffins. I have also had tons of failed attempts as well such as carrot fries. I keep trying to feed her stuff besides canned food. This kid even hates chicken nuggets, Mc Donald's cheeseburgers, hot dogs and other things kids usually love. I believe she got this from my side of the family. My brother would only eat Chef Boyardee for the longest time. I am talking all through out elementary school. I hated soda, ketchup, and pepperoni. Most kids love those items. I would love to get her to try some healthier options but I guess the most important part is eating something right. I have days where I feel completely defeated. Especially after I just made something and I am so proud and excited for her to try it and she won't even put it in her mouth. I know she can chew because she loves goldfish, waffles, and cookies. She is just picky.

Food time is getting better. But still can be stressful. I have to be careful too because Autumn has food allergies just like they thought she would. Little girl touched, just touched peanut butter and swelled up, turned red and itched all over. Let me tell you this scares you to death. I called Fred, my mom, and my friend Lindsay in tears I was so scared. This was after I of course called the doctors office. To all other moms out there with a picky eater. I feel your pain. I really do.  According to the doctors though we are growing just perfect :)

Yep getting photos ready for our next holiday already :)


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day or Week

So anyone who works in the medical field is used to working holidays. We work all those holidays that traditionally everything is closed. Therefore you get in this habit of just celebrating things in advance. I work Valentine's Day but Valentine's Day is not a holiday you typically get off for work anyways. It is no Christmas. Post Autumn though Valentine's Day has been very fun.
 Autumn's first Valentine's Day we celebrated by receiving the best gift new floors :). I wanted to do something special for grandparents so I made butterflies out of Autumn's footprints and framed them. We made 3 of them and kept one for ourselves.
I used finger paint and scrapbook paper. This year I decided to do the same butterfly footprint just not in the framed 9X9. Instead a 5X7 frame.
I read this and realized my wording made absolutely no sense.
Much better wording. Even though I feel the butterfly looked better last time. But hey you can't win them all.
A comparison of what a difference a year makes. Look how much our feet have grown! And let me tell you grandparents hearts melt over these butterflies. I am not even joking. And it cost only 5 dollars to make.

So my new hobby is baking. My first attempt was Fred's Ninja Turtle Birthday cake and ever since then I have just loved it. I used to be more focused on decorating. Now I am into flavors and cupcakes. They take way less time to decorate but longer when it comes to constructing them. There are many steps you can ruin as well. Last month I made a strawberry cake with cream cheese icing in the shape of a heart. I posted a picture of this on facebook. Therefore I did not want to do the traditional red velvet, strawberry, cherry, or heart shaped cake/cupcake again. I found this recipe for Chubby Hubby Cupcakes based off the Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor and decided salty and sweet is perfect for Valentine's Day.

 Now I find the construction of cakes fascinating. I love all the steps that go into a final project. This is just crushed pretzels and butter baked to the bottom of the cupcake liner to start the base for the cupcake.
Then I made homemade vanilla cake. This is the first time I ever used cake flour (not self rising) to bake a cake. Won't lie I was a little worried they wouldn't rise. But as you can see they did :)

 While those bad boys cooled. I made a peanut butter filling. This is made with peanut butter, cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract. Now most of you know Autumn is scary allergic to peanuts. So this was done while she was safely napping and I made a couple cupcakes without filling so Nibs could have some. She is a sweets fanatic. My yellow kitchen aide looks amazing. Seriously best gift ever. Thank you Mom! (as in my mother not myself)
 So this recipe suggested making the buttercream in the food processor. I have been making homemade icing for awhile and had to do a double take on reading this. I was a little scared but excited for this step because seriously sounds so much better than adding one cup of powdered sugar at a time. This icing was made with unsweetened chocolate. I have never used unsweetened chocolate before. After scraping the chocolate into the processor I took the empty bowl over to the sink with the spoon, and out of habit when I see chocolate, I licked the spoon. Oh my that is bitter and dry and just plain not good. Unsweetened chocolate not good by itself.
 But the final project amazing. And the food processor worked awesome!

Then I filled in the cupcakes with the peanut butter filling.
And finised project. They are delicious. The recipe is from I find lots of amazing recipes from this website.

I tried to get a photo of her with the butterfly picture. It wasn't happening. This new toddler stage we are at makes getting a good photo very difficult because the Nibs is always on the run. Here are a few photos of Miss Autumn because she is just a cutie to look at :)
 She really thinks she is funny :)
                                Getting ready to go have lunch with grandpa at Chipotle
 Our new favorite place to sit in the kitchen :)
Just riding my pony mom don't mind me.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Rojas Family!  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Vegas BABY

I have never been to Vegas. You would think in the beginning Fred would have to pull my teeth out to get me on a plane without Autumn. We had multiple conversations about going to Vegas and always in the back of my head was......but my baby. Us mothers we do not like to leave our children. Maybe it is because they were with us every single day for the 9 months they were growing in us (which by the way is more like 10 months how do they get 9 months from 40 weeks but anyways). It is amusing too because friends without children are like "what is wrong with you go to Vegas party it up" and friends with children are like "omg that is so hard. I don't know if I could do that". Being a working mom I do leave my baby 2 days a week at daycare. That and the days I work I leave the house at 6:20 am and get home at 8:00 pm. Which very rarely baby is awake. This stinks but it has prepared me more for leaving the babe behind for this journey. Lets face it, baby in Vegas = not that fun. Vegas is for sure a adult playground.
The last time I have packed a bag to go on a trip for just me was......probably my suitcase to take with me to the hospital for Autumn's arrival. Since then it has been a small tote bag for mom and three big tote bags for baby. This time packing is a little strange because I don't need the thermometer, diaper rash cream, benadryl, tylenol, ect. multiple just in case something happens items. Instead it is makeup, hair straightener, skinny jeans (be prepared Vegas cause yes this is happening ), and tops. And this is the face that I can not get out of my head.
Breaks your heart! But I most be strong and refocus and think about all the fun Autumn will have with her Grandparents this weekend.
Okay that is much better. In preparation to leave the Nibs (this is Autumn's nickname) behind I have become one of those crazy post it sticking mom's. A list of medications with dosing taped to the bathroom mirror for example. With another reminder of "call this number if you have problems" with doctors phone number listed. One of the things to remember. Grandparents are not with babies 24/7 anymore and simple things like Tylenol dosing that all us mom's could spit out backwards is easily forgettable. And lets face it things were done a lot different in the 80s. Watching my dad put on Autumn's diaper backwards once I am amazed I am okay. But I know they all have it down, it just makes me smile and laugh to think about the backwards diaper. Love ya dad. My mother-in-law, Jane, will be watching Autumn predominately and when it comes to toddler age she handles it quite well :)
Now it is time to tell about our Vegas trip! We woke up early. And when I type early I mean it. We got picked up at our house at 4:15 am. I therefore said my good-bye to Autumn the night before. My mom spent the night with us so we could leave and her and Autumn could begin their day at normal time.

So I have never gotten drunk on a plane. However it is awesome to get drunk on the plane.
  Vegas was a blast and I do believe the saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. It was a time to act 21 again. No responsibilities and no one stopping you from drinking where ever you wanted.  Liquid courage runs strong in me. I seriously lose all shame and live in the moment when I am drunk. Therefore I don't have too many pictures because I was too busy taking it all in to worry about it. Though there is a video of my amazing moment on stage with Steele Panther. Where they asked me to show my boobs and in front of hundreds I responded something to the extent of "Why? I have none. These are pretty much padding." And the lead singer responded "Why did you come on stage then?" The answer I now realize was Liquid courage.
A few highlights though. Singing Cher "If I could turn back time" on stage at Senor Frogs in Treasure Island. Winning $42.18 and making a huge deal of it. Star Wars slot machine! Hearing Wilson Phillips play like every time something cool happened that first day. Going on stage with Steele Panther will never forget that. Watching the Super Bowl in cousin Frank's suite. Having a good time with family.
Now for a few photos.
 First Shot in Vegas with the amazing $5 dollars for a beer and a shot deal
 Balloon hat at Senor Frogs
 Family watching the Super Bowl
 Fred rocking the hat

 Freddy outside of the Bellagio
 fountain show at the Bellagio

 view of one of the 3 main pools at our resort
Fred and I at Steele Panther

Around Sunday night I started to get the I miss my baby anxiety that only mother's truly understand. Our children may know how to hit our buttons at times but that is few and far from the amount of hugs and giggles that fill our day. I got Autumn a little souvenir. 

She even already has a bit of change in there from Grandpa, Aunt Diana, Eryn, Kyle, Mom, and of course Dad putting the change from their pockets in it. It was a great trip and it was fun to spend it with the people you love. Who regardless of how you act in Vegas still call you family :)
And Autumn was super happy this morning and enjoyed her piggy bank. I am happy we went and happy to be home! Successful vacation!