Autumn watching My Little Pony
Autumn is not a big fan of waiting in the waiting room at the doctors office. Most of us adults sit there annoyed tapping our feet thinking "really I am one of your first appointments scheduled and you are already 15 minutes behind when I showed up 10 minutes early". Autumn showed her displeasure by making sure everyone there knew she existed. I brought the stroller thinking this usually keeps her from wanting to run around. All the stroller did was make her wiggle and scream, and provide just one more thing for me to keep track of :). Nothing was making her happy. Elmo, she was over him in like a minute. Her purple leap frog phone, over that too. My phone, which usually works, that just made her more angry? "Okay everyone is staring at you mom" What to do? What to do? I got it!Put My Little Pony on you tube with my smart phone. And the beast is tamed. While all this is going on, a girl, who had to be in her early 20s, waiting for internal medicine turned to her partner and goes "see this is why I don't have children". Okay if you say something like this and my one ear hears you, you obviously said it loud enough because you want me to hear it. Thanks random girl, that was so sweet of you to express your opinion :) My child normally is not a angry monster but just like every person, she hates waiting at the doctors office and this is her way to express her displeasure. I won't lie, I was embarrassed because I know people quietly judge you in the corner when your toddler acts out. My kid normally does not act like that but all kids do this and it is normal behavior. I would be worried if my toddler didn't act out at times.
Autumn waiting at the doctors office for her first set of shots November 2011
On the way home after the shots November 2011
Once as we got back to the room, Autumn was just acting shy and very clingy to mom. It is quite amusing because my kid is always talking. So to see her quiet is strange. Anyone who knows Fred and I would assume that our child would be a talkative one, and they are dead on, she is. Our height is now 32" which is 61% and weight 23 lbs 15 oz which is 45%. She is growing in the right direction. Our eczema does look better according to the doctor. The doctor was laughing when I told her Autumn was scaring people in the waiting room. She just reminded me this is the beginning of that age, welcome. She also told me to remember to congratulate her and praise her for her positive behaviors because they hear "no" so much at this age. Then we left and Autumn was a angel when it came to leaving and getting home. Waving bye the whole way to the car. After a rough morning I decided I wanted a breakfast burrito from McDonalds on the way home. I ordered 2 just in case Autumn wanted one. This was one of those occasions that the food didn't go to waste.
You deserved it baby. Sorry mom threw a wrench in your day.
Afterwards Autumn was more than happy to hug Norman, the sock monkey, and take her nap.
Now I have a photo to share from when I was cooking dinner the other day that just made me laugh. I knew she was being way too quiet.
Haha Autumn, too bad they don't have kennels for you to play in the waiting room at the doctors office, lol.