Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring It Forward

Daylight saving used to be a time when I would celebrate by drinking at the bars, enjoying that extra hour and giggling with excitement that Taco Bell would be open a hour longer. When we would lose the hour, I would be upset that the bars would close earlier, but would prepare myself by having a place to go hang out with friends afterwards and have some Panchos or other food item open 24/7.  Daylight savings has now become that evil monster that messes with my beautifully timed sleep schedule that I have worked so hard to achieve. Boo to you daylight savings.
This year I started planning for daylight savings in advance. I did this by slowly creeping Autumn's bedtime forward from 8pm to 7pm. I don't know about other kids but my kid wakes up at the same time every morning regardless of how early or late you put her to bed. Therefore moving it forward to 7pm did not effect the time she woke up. It gave Fred and I another hour of adult alone time. The week before the dreadful spring forward the sun started rising earlier. I even got to see it on my way to work which is nice to see. Autumn being the sun riser she is started waking up at 6:30am. Way to early!
 Autumn is a very interesting sleeper. I put up her bumpers when she was one because she digs her head into the corners. And she likes to use them to rest her legs on.
 Norman the sock monkey (baptism present from Lindsay and Brandon Fletcher) sleeps with her every night and naps with her.

 Well we sprung forward and are now back to going to bed at 8pm and waking up at 7:30am. The world makes sense again besides our nap schedule but give it a few weeks and it should be all good. Now as the sun stays up later I know she will too. There is no way of making the suns schedule make sense to a toddler. So for now I will embrace this fact and enjoy my few hours of adult alone time.  

 Some mornings the gang just has to join us for breakfast.
Come on guys. It is bedtime!

One thing that springing forwards means is, it is closer to being able to go outside! Autumn and I need to get out of this house some days. I can not wait for our morning trips to the park to return and getting to walk the trails. My mom and I went to Toys R Us this week and bought a Radio Flyer wagon. I was scared this would not fit in the focus so I needed my mother's SUV to help get it home. This is Autumn's thank you for being such a good little helper on mommy and daddy's tax return present :). Another reason Autumn and I need to get outside is because a family member of ours has started putting on some weight. 

I took this photo the other day and realized Jack might need to be getting some more exercise. I think Autumn enjoys feeding him a bit too much :)
In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day mom made some more Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes with Bailey's Cream Cheese Icing. The Rojas clan and The Heath clan are getting together for dinner and baking is my specialty. I just need to work on coming up with my own recipes. Here is a link though for these cupcakes this is my second time making them and they are fabulous.


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