Now this lovely day is by no means a walk in the park where I get to just sit around in p.j.s and eat mini eggs while watching Melrose Place on Netflix, even though you know by how descriptive that statement just was that I have done this before. I get to..........clean. Lame I know. But to me and other mommies out there the ability to blare music, in my case Cher, and rock out with your Clorox is a rare opportunity.
Who wouldn't miss this crazy fun girl?
OMG is that the what the floors look like in my car!?!?!
Then it was on to the bathrooms. I don't need to go into detail there. And then the kitchen. Before I knew it my 4 hour morning was gone.
Now, during Mommy free day one must do activities that are difficult are impossible to do with their snuggle bunny. One of these things is....clothes shopping. So after my lunch with Fred for our anniversary, I decided it was time to get a pair of those colored skinny jeans. This was not a good idea. I seriously look like color just threw up on me and it makes my thighs look huge. Needless to say, I left empty handed. I later texted my friend Lindsay and our conversation went like this
Me: I am at a weird stage in life where I feel like I am too old for juniors clothes yet too young for misses
Lindsay: I hear you!
Me: I just had one of those really sad shopping experiences where you leave empty handed
Lindsay: Haha that happens to me more than I leave with items :( or if I do its for the ladies. I feel like that all the time, too old to look like a tramp mom and too young for golden girl.
After that it was time to pick up my baby girl. I was SO happy to see her and we celebrated by getting DQ ice cream. This time she at least attempted to try the cone :). It was a good mommy free day but I am happy to get back to my crazy fun filled nib days. Sitting alone in a empty quiet house is now the strangest thing to me. But man am I happy I got to do some of those deep cleaning nasty things that are hard to do with Autumn in the house.
We would not eat the cone unless the spoon was in there too. Strange little people rules.
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