I started putting my daughter in a forward facing car seat when she turned 1. This is legal in the state of Kansas and my decision. I have read the studies, seen the you tube videos, and as my daughter's mother I believe it is best for her to stay forward facing. She fits the weight and height requirements for her forward facing car seat. There are many times as a parent where I feel automatically judged by my decisions. The breast feeding one was a huge one for me. Sorry I was a unfit mother right off the bat and was unable to breast feed my daughter because I was too busy battling a tumor in my head. The sad thing is that because of all the propaganda out there I seriously was starting to think that.
Formula feeding Autumn when she was only a couple weeks old
I understand everyone wants to do what is best for their children but I feel as if we need to take a step back and not judge those who have different parenting techniques then us. Safety is always the one that people will argue with as a reason on why their way is the correct way and everyone should conform to their standard. Every child is different. Every parent is different. Every family is different. I do admit that I find the new standards on car seats a little ridiculous. And I, myself, need to be more quiet and not vocalize my opinion in such a harsh way because saying someones car seat beliefs are ridiculous may be hurtful to someone who is just trying to do what is best for their child. However, just imagining a 12 year old, who would be middle school age, in a high back booster seat baffles me. But if you want to place your child at 12 years old in a high back booster more power to you, but that doesn't mean I will or have to.
Autumn did love her car seat when she was a little baby.
I know many people don't agree with me on the car seat thing. And that is fine. I understand the safety concerns. But all us moms are just doing what we find best for our children and these decisions are driven by our love. Lets all teach our children the concept of understanding and respect by politely accepting other's views even when they are on topics that hold such strong opinions. Our opinions are exactly that.........our opinions.
I promise to not be so serious next week. Just had to have a little rant :)
I will always do what I feel is best for you :)
Now on to the part that everyone loves. Nibby photos!
Autumn has decided she LOVES to put on hats |
I got my oil changed and Autumn behaved like a angel |
Someone is enjoying MY bed more and more |
The Lovin My Nibz board updated for August |
Who doesn't enjoy a flavor ice in the bath tub on a hot day or a embarrassing bath tub photo? |