Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Itchy Feet

I have never been one to read the giant package of warnings and side effects that come with medications. When it is for my daughter, I read all of it. Autumn has been having a very hard time this summer with her feet. The eczema on her feet is angry. I have tried everything. The typical steroid, lotion, creams, and Vaseline were not cutting it this time. I even tried the natural approach where dermatologist suggest olive oil and vegetable shortening to help moisturize the skin.

They actually photograph better than they looked in person.
 I contacted my cousin for further ideas. Because lets face it when it comes to parenting you can hear some weird stuff you have never heard of and it works. With the eczema beast this has been very true. Well I took Autumn to her Pediatrician, her feet were not "infected yet", which is good news. But they were painful looking. Her skin red and swollen with cuts all over from the constant scratching. So a 10 day course of antibiotics and a high dose steroid have been started and our feet are starting to look a little better. But the doctor did say, give it time. One of the sad things about this antibiotic is that it says on the bottle "avoid prolonged sun exposure". My child is not a stay in the house all day kind of girl.
I want to go outside Mom :(

 Recently the pool has been her favorite activity.
 "But I don't want to leave!"

This morning I took her to the park bright and early. As we were playing I thought to myself, "I should have checked the park hours. I hope it is okay for us to be here."  It is strange when you are the only two at the park. I won't lie it is kind of nice. There are some moments now, where I try not to judge, but when you let your child drive his 4x4 power wheel onto the park, crashing into slides, and almost hitting my toddler, while you talk on your cell phone, yep..........I judge.  Since we wake up SO early. I now find myself forgetting that the rest of the world is not awake yet. And whether we were allowed to be at the park or not, we had fun.

 I don't know why but she insisted on crawling today
 Yes I went down the slide on my stomach and she thought I was funny and asked if I was okay
  Happy Autumn :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to check with my friend - her son suffered from severe eczema when he was younger. She may have some ideas. But I hear you -- Quinn is wanting to be outside 24/7 lately. Bike ride later today - fun times with girls :). - Kate Bogue
