Friday, August 9, 2013

In with the New

I am about ready to start a new chapter in my life. Yes I am going back to school, which has given me some anxiety, but I am going to move my daughter over to the toddler bed. This concept has given me stress since it first got brought up when she was 18 months. I love the crib aka baby prison. I know exactly where she is. In preparation to start this journey, I decided to clean up Autumn's room. While organizing the closet I found a box of old photos that were some how left behind when my mother-in-law moved out of the house 4 years ago.

For anyone who does not know. Fred and I bought our house from Jane, my mother-in-law. Jane built this house in 2003. These photos are predominantly taken in this house and it is amazing to look at. The house may have changed in looks but the memories that have happened in these walls are just amazing to think about. This house has never been lived in by anyone but our family and has been a part of our family even before I was.

 Nice to see Uncle Alan stands in the same spot :)
I get upset about the never ending list of things that need to be repaired in my house. But this is true for any home owner. I love my house. My house is just like family to me. We have our ups and downs but at the end of the day, I fall asleep feeling safe and comfortable.

Inside these walls my sister-in-law, Jessi, went to her first prom, my mother-in-law bought her first house with her husband, my sister-in-law, Tina went through adolescence, my husband and I bought our first house, and my daughter only knows this place as home. It is not just a house, it is a home. I forget about all the things that happened in this house because Fred never really lived here, except for a small period of time in which he primarily stayed in my Lawrence apartment.
As I get my daughter's room ready for her next step in life, I can't help and think about all the many first events that happened in our house. The love, the fights, the disappointment, the happiness, everything that goes on in a family that makes you grow stronger and realize that no matter what happens you have a group of people who will stand by your side and help you when you fall.


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