Thursday, August 31, 2017

Here I Go Again

The last 5 months have flown by and now it is time for Earl's eviction. I am having my second craniotomy but this time they are using a  translabyrinthine approach. Which is a really large word to describe they are drilling a hole in the thickest part of my skull behind my right ear. By doing this they will have a better view of my facial nerve when trying to evacuate Earl. Then they will steal some fat from my belly to plug that hole. After that they will place a metal plate over the area and as my ENT doctor said "baseball stitch" me up. 
My 2nd attempt to stop. Stereotactic Radiosurgery. The radiation

Good news is they cut my vestibular nerve last time. I had no meaningful hearing in that ear and it actually made hearing more difficult when it was whole. So how is that good? My body has already compensated for the loss of hearing in that ear. Our hearing does way more for our balance than you would imagine. I have come a long way in my compensation for my hearing loss to the point where many of my coworkers did not realize I was deaf on the right side. My recovery from this surgery should be easier due to the fact that I have been living without my hearing on that side for almost 6 years. 
Returning home after 1st surgery. I lost my ability to use my right arm cause a butterfly need was left under me for 12 hours compressing my brachial nerve. It came back after a month :)

So as White Snake said it best....Here I go again. Sometime today between 2pm and 4pm they will call me and tell me what time to be at the hospital tomorrow. I cheated and know my surgery is scheduled for 0800, first case, and the approximate O.R. time is 515 minutes, which is about 8.5 hours. To put into perspective my last surgery was about 12 hours long.  Since this is my second rodeo I already kind of know the drill. I will check in. Then go back to central and get little lifesaver looking probes clued all over my head. After that I will go for a short MRI to map my head. Then go back to central where they will give me some happy meds to make me calm. There is a weird since of relaxation when having a little bit of foresight to how things may go.

I have a harder time with processing the fact that Earl is growing this time. Mainly because I feel fine. I understand though that currently Earl is growing right into my brainstem. My life source. It is easier for the doctors to ensure my safety and well being operating on him while he is smaller. 

So today is my last day before D day. I am going to wash my hair multiple times with my nice Kenra shampoo that I love. I know I will have to use baby shampoo for 3 months and that sucks. I am going to put on my makeup and smile. I fear losing my smile. And I am not going to waste one day I have that I am able to. My husband said it best during one of my anxiety attacks....there is no point in worrying about what you can not control. What is the point of fighting so much for your ability to move your face if you can not enjoy every minute that you have it? I am going to carry and hug and my dachshunds, Jack and Dani. I will have a 10lb lift limit for awhile and Jack is a little over that :). And one of the things I am going to miss the most is....I am going to carry my daughter to her bed after story time tonight. One thing Earl has done, is help me realize the important little things in life. The things we take for granted everyday. 

So thank you all for your love and support. Send me a prayer tomorrow and some positive vibes. And smile cause you can! 


  1. You are a rockstar Julie. You will kick Earl's butt today!

  2. I'm 15 years old. I was born with HIV my mother passed away because of the HIV infection And I regret why i never met Dr Itua he could have cured my mum for me because as a single mother it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr itua healing words online about how he cure different disease in different races diseases like HIV/Aids Herpes,Parkison,Asthma,Copd,Epilepsy,Shingles,Cold Sore,Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome,Fibromyalgia,Love Spell,Prostate Cancer,Lung Cancer,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
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