Friday, December 6, 2013

The Nod of Shame

 My brother asked me the other day "What happened to your blog?" I replied "School. And why? Did you like my blog?" My brother actually read and enjoyed my mommy blog! Well the semester is at a end so now I can a blog a little more for a bit :)

My friend, Lindsay, most accurately titled my frustration that I felt at the Super Target today with Autumn while finishing Christmas Shopping.....The Nod of Shame.
The Nod of Shame- When two mothers cross each others paths and both of their children are acting out. Eye contact and a nod of the head is done to assure the other mother "I feel your pain" or "I have been there".
We went through a stage at about 13 months where going to the grocery store became more difficult as Autumn realized, "Hey I can move by myself you know".  That phase passed and the grocery store became fun again for awhile. But now we have entered a new stage.....Ms. Independent. Yes Kelly Clarkson just had a flash back in my head but this is not a yay go you girl moment. My toddler ( I have stopped saying baby :( ) does not want to sit in the cart, cause well she is a big girl, and randomly decides, I want to go this way. This starts a chain reaction of mom with a cart chasing a toddler. Now there are times when we go shopping that she behaves like a perfect angel just walking next to me or sometimes she even pushes the cart. I let her pick out items, she throws them in the cart. And I even let her hand my debit card to the cashier. But there are other times that shopping was just not on the agenda in toddler land and that day was today! She had a couple of those, I give up "toddler throw your whole body back", screeching moments that are so loud and a little embarrassing that your face starts matching your red pea coat. Well I decided I am done lets go. We can do this another day. As I was leaving I saw a mom in the line for Customer Service, her toddler was doing the lying on the floor knees bent arched back cry, us mom's looked at each other, smiled and did the nod of shame.  The minute we left Autumn was happy again.

Now for the part everyone loves a flash back of Autumn photos over the last couple months!
Our first haircut
Autumn was a flower girl in 2 weddings this fall. She made it down the aisle both times :)

We have mastered the cup but I still enjoy the comfort of a no leak sippy cup

Our eating habits have improved! Autumn is trying new things and enjoys apples, strawberries, pears, and bananas

this girl loves to climb
Autumn was Tinker Bell for Halloween

She has memorized all the Ponies names. The best one is listening to her say Rarity

Eczema has improved I haven't used steroids in over a week!

She has been very good at not touching the tree. It only took 3 visits to the time out corner

Yep we rocked out sunglasses when we went to go see Santa


Friday, August 9, 2013

In with the New

I am about ready to start a new chapter in my life. Yes I am going back to school, which has given me some anxiety, but I am going to move my daughter over to the toddler bed. This concept has given me stress since it first got brought up when she was 18 months. I love the crib aka baby prison. I know exactly where she is. In preparation to start this journey, I decided to clean up Autumn's room. While organizing the closet I found a box of old photos that were some how left behind when my mother-in-law moved out of the house 4 years ago.

For anyone who does not know. Fred and I bought our house from Jane, my mother-in-law. Jane built this house in 2003. These photos are predominantly taken in this house and it is amazing to look at. The house may have changed in looks but the memories that have happened in these walls are just amazing to think about. This house has never been lived in by anyone but our family and has been a part of our family even before I was.

 Nice to see Uncle Alan stands in the same spot :)
I get upset about the never ending list of things that need to be repaired in my house. But this is true for any home owner. I love my house. My house is just like family to me. We have our ups and downs but at the end of the day, I fall asleep feeling safe and comfortable.

Inside these walls my sister-in-law, Jessi, went to her first prom, my mother-in-law bought her first house with her husband, my sister-in-law, Tina went through adolescence, my husband and I bought our first house, and my daughter only knows this place as home. It is not just a house, it is a home. I forget about all the things that happened in this house because Fred never really lived here, except for a small period of time in which he primarily stayed in my Lawrence apartment.
As I get my daughter's room ready for her next step in life, I can't help and think about all the many first events that happened in our house. The love, the fights, the disappointment, the happiness, everything that goes on in a family that makes you grow stronger and realize that no matter what happens you have a group of people who will stand by your side and help you when you fall.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Validation by Likes

The AAP came out with new car seat recommendations saying children should stay in a belt-positioning booster until they are at least 4 foot 9 inches and 8-12 years old. That and the whole keep your toddler rear facing till 2. The rear facing car seat debacle has a lot of strong opinions. The funny thing in my opinion is that if you don't agree with the rear facing car seat you are automatically ignorant and/or not caring about the safety of your child (according to comments on various online articles). This is not the only parenting topic that people who don't even know you will judge you as a parent over. Other popular ones are breastfeeding, baby-led weaning, vaccinations, potty training, and co sleeping
I started putting my daughter in a forward facing car seat when she turned 1. This is legal in the state of Kansas and my decision. I have read the studies, seen the you tube videos, and as my daughter's mother I believe it is best for her to stay forward facing. She fits the weight and height requirements for her forward facing car seat. There are many times as a parent where I feel automatically judged by my decisions. The breast feeding one was a huge one for me. Sorry I was a unfit mother right off the bat and was unable to breast feed my daughter because I was too busy battling a tumor in my head. The sad thing is that because of all the propaganda out there I seriously was starting to think that.
Formula feeding Autumn when she was only a couple weeks old

I understand everyone wants to do what is best for their children but I feel as if we need to take a step back and not judge those who have different parenting techniques then us. Safety is always the one that people will argue with as a reason on why their way is the correct way and everyone should conform to their standard. Every child is different. Every parent is different. Every family is different.  I do admit that I find the new standards on car seats a little ridiculous. And I, myself, need to be more quiet and not vocalize my opinion in such a harsh way because saying someones car seat beliefs are ridiculous may be hurtful to someone who is just trying to do what is best for their child.  However, just imagining a 12 year old, who would be middle school age, in a high back booster seat baffles me. But if you want to place your child at 12 years old in a high back booster more power to you, but that doesn't mean I will or have to.
 Autumn did love her car seat when she was a little baby.

Whatever did happened to people believing "well that is your kid so do what you want". Anything you do in public can be judged and people feel as if it is now upon them to help you parent your child like it is their business. Now a days with social media, it seems parents want to get as many likes and followers to validate their opinion. Is this a change in our whole generation though? Do we all just want to feel validated in our opinions by seeing that like button highlighted or a comment just to know someone else agrees with us?
I know many people don't agree with me on the car seat thing. And that is fine. I understand the safety concerns. But all us moms are just doing what we find best for our children and these decisions are driven by our love. Lets all teach our children the concept of understanding and respect by politely accepting other's views even when they are on topics that hold such strong opinions. Our opinions are exactly that.........our opinions. 
I promise to not be so serious next week. Just had to have a little rant :)  

 I will always do what I feel is best for you :)

 Now on to the part that everyone loves. Nibby photos!

Autumn has decided she LOVES to put on hats
I got my oil changed and Autumn behaved like a angel
Someone is enjoying MY bed more and more
The Lovin My Nibz board updated for August
Who doesn't enjoy a flavor ice in the bath tub on a hot day or a embarrassing bath tub photo?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Itchy Feet

I have never been one to read the giant package of warnings and side effects that come with medications. When it is for my daughter, I read all of it. Autumn has been having a very hard time this summer with her feet. The eczema on her feet is angry. I have tried everything. The typical steroid, lotion, creams, and Vaseline were not cutting it this time. I even tried the natural approach where dermatologist suggest olive oil and vegetable shortening to help moisturize the skin.

They actually photograph better than they looked in person.
 I contacted my cousin for further ideas. Because lets face it when it comes to parenting you can hear some weird stuff you have never heard of and it works. With the eczema beast this has been very true. Well I took Autumn to her Pediatrician, her feet were not "infected yet", which is good news. But they were painful looking. Her skin red and swollen with cuts all over from the constant scratching. So a 10 day course of antibiotics and a high dose steroid have been started and our feet are starting to look a little better. But the doctor did say, give it time. One of the sad things about this antibiotic is that it says on the bottle "avoid prolonged sun exposure". My child is not a stay in the house all day kind of girl.
I want to go outside Mom :(

 Recently the pool has been her favorite activity.
 "But I don't want to leave!"

This morning I took her to the park bright and early. As we were playing I thought to myself, "I should have checked the park hours. I hope it is okay for us to be here."  It is strange when you are the only two at the park. I won't lie it is kind of nice. There are some moments now, where I try not to judge, but when you let your child drive his 4x4 power wheel onto the park, crashing into slides, and almost hitting my toddler, while you talk on your cell phone, yep..........I judge.  Since we wake up SO early. I now find myself forgetting that the rest of the world is not awake yet. And whether we were allowed to be at the park or not, we had fun.

 I don't know why but she insisted on crawling today
 Yes I went down the slide on my stomach and she thought I was funny and asked if I was okay
  Happy Autumn :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tantrum or Tactic

I was never good at sports. I was down right awful. My own father, who was the coach, benched me for most of the game even. Despite this fact, I would make a damn good running back. I say this because my toddler throws some wicked tantrums and I am amazing at picking her up like she is a football, in public, and finding the nearest exit, which in this scenario would be the goal.

 "What are you talking about Mom? I am a Angel! You on the other hand need to take down these St. Patrick's Day decorations."

We have started our terrible twos already. The throwing your head back, stiff as board, limbs flailing everywhere behavior, has begun. Embarrassing, sometimes yes. But at times I can use this to my advantage. How you create a positive moment from this you ask? Easy, upgrade your cell phone. I have never been helped so fast in my life. No trying to sell me a more expensive phone, upgrade my plan, or accessories. Autumn did behave at this moment, but man this guy was scared of her. She was like the ticking time bomb at the Best Buy. She would make some noise and he would be all "sorry I will get you out of here as quick as I can". While in my head, I laughed because this is nothing to me. Now if only Autumn could help me get seen faster at the DMV or something, that would be nice.
Innocent Angel
Watching my show with my homies
Early morning park time

We have conquered getting up and down the big slide.

Cindy Lou hair do

Uncle Brian helping Autumn blow bubbles

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bringing it Back!

One year ago I embarked on a special journey. Baby proofing my house. This journey was not fun and honestly not attractive. Protecting our children is the number one priority and our rooms look like a daycare came from the sky and crapped all over the floor. Ever since Autumn became a member of the Rojas family she has slowly been taking over the house. I now know what my parents meant when they told me I had the right to paint and decorate my room but the house was their canvas. And also that whole theory of put your stuff in your room, makes total sense now.
 The first time blocking the T.V. and fireplace last summer
 10 month old Autumn hanging on to her new boundaries
Autumn's toys will still be my plastic and stuffed friends that stare at me daily for awhile because it is too much energy for me to take them up and down the stairs to her room everyday. I may want to invest in a toy chest. Already thinking about one for Christmas.
 The window sill of toys
Well I have been letting my baby go up and down the stairs unsupervised for awhile. She is a pro. Therefore I decided the fireplace is not the dangerous, crack your head open, fall down and bust your lip, accident zone I once envisioned it. She can handle it. She does sit on it, but I can't yell at her for that because us adults sit on it sometimes too. She is doing very good with the not opening of the fireplace and listening to us.

 2nd time blocking the fireplace with "the nib house"
 My now getting there more adult living room! With a coffee table
 You will never control me! I still own this house!
Another big one for us was protecting the T.V. from Autumn. When she started crawling, going up and hitting the cable box buttons was her favorite thing. Now I have such tools as time out and her better understanding of vocabulary to help mold the "don't you dare touch that" fearful Mom voice that will be used for the end of time now.
 She respects the T.V. now because it plays MLP
I now have a coffee table again! I never thought I would be so excited about a table. I feel like my room resembles more of a adult living room again. It is getting there. Fred and I have decided come August we are going to get new carpets and paint the downstairs family room. I am super excited we have been waiting for ever to do that!
Baby girl has been working a lot on her alphabet. She is getting pretty good about filling in the blanks for you and is very dramatic when it is time for the letter "Z". Therefore I have moved away from counting all the time to reciting the alphabet. She is getting so big. 

 I realized I have never put up a photo of Autumn in her swimsuit. Mainly because I am too busy supervising at the pool to take a photo there.
The only purse she wants to play with is a coach purse. I knew the minute she loved being in that store she would have a predilection towards them.
Oh man I wish she would stop undoing the car seat and then laughing at me!